15 Foods You Can Regrow from Scraps

Lined Circle

Don’t throw away those old potatoes! Or those romaine lettuce ends! There are lots of foods you can regrow from scraps — it’s easy, free, and you don’t need a lot of space!

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Lined Circle

This is a list of foods you can regrow from scraps, things we’ve already planted successfully and a few that are on our list for the weeks ahead.

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15 Edible Plants to Regrow from Scraps 1. Green Onion - The next time you buy a bunch of green onions, keep the bulb end after you’ve used all the stalks.

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2. Kale - once your kale is in the ground it will keep producing leaves for months and months!

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3. Leeks - Regrowing leeks works just like regrowing green onions. Save bulbs with at least an inch or two of the stalk.

4. Basil

The next time you purchase fresh basil or visit a pho restaurant, save a sprig of basil! Cut the stem, keeping a few leaves  attached.

5. Garlic - To regrow garlic, you can start with individual cloves or a whole head of garlic. Simply bury the cloves under about an inch of soil and keep watered.

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