What is a Hair Tourniquet?

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The official name for this occurrence is Hair Tourniquet Syndrome.

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A strand of hair becomes so tightly wrapped around a baby’s toe that it can cut off blood circulation and even break through the skin.

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There are a couple reasons that a hair tourniquet is dangerous: - If circulation is blocked for too long and is not able to be restored, babies can lose the affected toe(s).

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Here are a few things you can do to reduce the chances of your baby suffering a serious injury from a hair tourniquet: - Vacuum and mop regularly to pick up loose hairs from the floor.

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What to Do if You Find a Hair Wrapped Around Your Baby’s Toes First, I called my husband into the bathroom and asked him to help hold our daughter’s leg still so I could work the tangles loose with my fingernails.

Here’s what to do if you notice a hair tourniquet on your baby:

If there is  another adult  nearby, ask them to help you. A squirmy baby makes it hard to see what you’re doing.

I simply want to urge other parents to be  watchful. Catching a hair tourniquet in time is the difference between a minor ouchie and a major problem.

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