I’m not a Domestic Goddess …and I’m ok with That!
I make no secret of the fact that I’m not exactly a “domestic goddess,” especially in the kitchen. This is definitely the one area of wifedom & motherhood where I fail…majorly. So much so that I rarely even make an attempt. Is it any wonder that I married an amazing amateur chef?
The first time my future husband invited me to his house he prepared a feast: fajitas, tostadas, beans, homemade salsa, guacamole. He might have won me over right there!
The first time I invited him to my house I whipped up some pad thai…and he choked down the chewy, almost inedible noodles with a smile (he was still trying to be polite and impress me — he later confessed how terrible they were). After the pad thai debacle I didn’t cook again for him for years. Literally.
When I first became a stay-at-home mom I felt like it was part of the job description to at least try occasionally. Over Christmas break I made French toast a few times and it was actually GOOD. In fact, my oldest daughter and I agree that my French toast is superior…a small victory! I even made over easy eggs once and managed not to break the yolks.
Unfortunately I think my French toast success over-inflated my confidence in the culinary arts. Recently, I thought I would let my hard-working hubby sleep in and make a healthy sweet potato hash with fried eggs. The eggs were a cinch the first time, so I expected a repeat performance.
Nope. Every single yolk broke. The pan tilted and the whites all ran together. I put the rejects on a plate off to the side and cracked some new eggs. Fail. Again. I was about to just give up and scramble everything together when hubby rubbed the sleep from his eyes and swooped in to grab the spatula and save breakfast.
Down, but not out! I may someday attempt the perfect egg once more. Until then, this is one mama who’s accepting that she’s not a domestic goddess and staying OUT of the kitchen!
BUT — all jokes aside, you can be a crappy cook and still be an awesome wife! The key is knowing and matching your strengths with your partner’s shortcomings, and vice-versa.
My husband prefers to let me handle all the financial stuff (bills, taxes, etc.) — it’s not my favorite thing in the world, but it is something that I understand and handle like a boss. In return, he makes sure that our family is always well fed.
Marriage is a team sport, and like any successful team, you need to “have each others’ back” and compensate where your teammate is lacking in skill. Sometimes that means your role isn’t necessarily what we’ve been taught is traditional, but we’re both ok with that because it works for us. As long as my husband doesn’t expect me to take out the trash, we’ll be a winning team!
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