Pilates Series of Five – 5 Minute Complete Ab Workout

The Pilates Series of Five is one of the BEST ab workouts I’ve ever found. It targets every muscle group in your core, can be done alone or as a part of a complete Pilates workout, and it takes just five minutes!

Blast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructions

Pilates Series of Five – 5 Minute Complete Ab Workout

The first time I tried Pilates, I was hooked. I’ve practiced anywhere from 1-3 times a week for the past twelve years. So I can definitely attest to the effectiveness of this routine!

Keep reading for full step-by-step photo instructions!

Why Pilates Rocks:

  • Low impact
  • Can be modified for all fitness levels
  • Strengthens and stretches at the same time
  • Develops long, lean muscles
  • Heart-pumping cardio benefits
  • No special equipment needed
  • Routines from 5 minutes to an hour
  • Each movement takes a minute or two at most, so you’re never bored

The Pilates Series of Five is an integral part of a traditional Pilates practice, developed almost 100 years ago by Joseph Pilates. Each move in the series takes about a minute, combining for an incredibly efficient 5-minute ab workout.

always do this as a part of my Pilates routine, and sometimes I’ll do the Pilates Series of Five by itself, or after a cardio session. Since it only takes five minutes, it’s so easy to fit this workout in anytime, anywhere!

Related: Check out my full list of the best 5 minute exercises anyone can do anywhere!

The Pilates Series of Five

Each exercise should take about one minute.

Single Leg Stretch

Blast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructionsStart by raising upper body and head slightly off the mat. Using hands, pull right knee in towards chest, pulsing twice, while left leg extends straight. Switch legs and repeat exercise on the other side.

Do this ten times on each leg.

Modifications: Raise extended leg to a 45° angle if trying to extend straight causes your back to lift off the mat. If lifting your upper body strains your neck, rest your head on the mat for this exercise.


Double Leg StretchBlast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructions

Start by hugging your knees into your chest. Exhale and bring your upper body slightly off the mat to meet your knees, curling into a tight ball. As you inhale, reach your arms overhead at a 45° angle and extend legs at a 45° angle as well. Hold for one full second, then as you exhale, sweep your arms around to meet your knees as you once again pull them into your chest.

Repeat 5 times.

Modifications: When legs are extended, you can lower them to increase difficulty or raise them until you gain strength. If lifting your upper body strains your neck, rest your head on the mat for this exercise.


Single Straight-Leg StretchBlast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructions

Lie on your back with legs straight overhead at a 90° angle. Lift upper body and head slightly off the mat and hold here for the duration of exercise. As you lower left leg (as low as you can go while keeping it straight), pull right leg (also straight) towards your chin with your hands. Switch legs, repeating this on the other side.

Do this ten times on each leg.

Modifications: If lifting your upper body strains your neck, rest your head on the mat for this exercise.


Double Straight-Leg Stretch

Blast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructionsLie on mat with legs extended straight overhead at a 90° angle. Place hands behind head and lift upper body and head slightly off the mat. Hold here for the duration of exercise.

Keeping legs straight and together, slowly lower on each inhale as low as you can go while keeping lower back flat on mat (about 45°). Exhale and bring legs back up to 90°.

Do this five times.

Modifications: If lifting your upper body strains your neck, rest your head on the mat for this exercise.



Blast fat and tone all muscles in your core with this amazingly effective 5-minute ab workout: the Pilates Series of Five - Step-by-step photo instructionsAlso commonly referred to as the “bicycle,” you may have seen this movement in other fitness programs. Not a surprise, as this is one of the most effective ab exercises ever!

Lie on back with hands behind head. Slightly raise head and upper body off mat. Bring right knee in towards chest as you extend your left leg at a 45° angle. At the same time, twist your body to bring left elbow towards your right knee. Hold and exhale quickly four times. Switch legs and repeat exercise on the other side.

Do this ten times on each side.

Modifications: If lifting your upper body strains your neck, rest your head on the mat when you switch legs.


Note: I used fitness models to illustrate these moves as clearly as possible. However, I really do practice Pilates on a regular basis and have done so for over 10 years! Click here to see a real photo of MY abs today (one year after my daughter was born), as well as my 5 weight loss tips for breastfeeding moms.

My Pilates Essentials:

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience – I only recommend products I love and use – read my disclosure policy here.


The Pilates Body

by Brooke Siler

This is one of the first Pilates books I studied and helped me develop my own 45 minute routine that I still practice today. It is an excellent resource for learning the system and exercises.

High-Density Foam Exercise Mat — If you have hard floors in your house or exercise space, you’ll want something thicker than a regular yoga mat to protect your spine. I bought this Valeo exercise mat when I started Pilates twelve years ago, and it is still in amazing shape!


Stacey aka the Soccer Mom
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  1. These exercises are not only effective on abs but they also good for strengthening the knees. When I decided to lose my pregnancy weight. I went crazy on the intense boxer weight loss program, in return I got my pre-pregnancy body with a bonus of knee pain. Then I worked a lot on my knee strengthening. So now whenever I see any abs workouts first I see if its balancing the back and knee strengthening. I laugh on myself, how desperate I was to get rid of the tummy fat and how my husband made fun of me when he saw me using knee pads whole day! :((((( :)))))

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