Five Ways to Boost Your Energy, Natually

As a mom to a 14 month old who (still!) doesn’t sleep through the night, I know what it’s like to be tired. All. The. Time. I am definitely a huge fan of coffee, but sometimes that’s not enough on it’s own to keep me from feeling sluggish by midday.

When coffee just isn't enough! Try this 5 all-natural energy boosters to get through your busy day.

There’s no substitute for a good night’s sleep, but these five natural energy boosters have been very helpful in getting me through my busy days:

Get up when you wake up

When your alarm goes off, it can be so tempting to hit the snooze button, thinking how wonderful “just ten more minutes” would be. However, doing so can actually make you feel more tired when you actually do roll out of bed. When the sun, kids, alarm, or whatever tells you it’s time to get up and get moving, DO it! You’ll wake up much quicker than if you tried to tease yourself with a few minutes of not-restful “sleep.”

Take your vitamins

A few weeks ago I began to get worried because I could hardly pry myself out from under the covers in the morning. I’m always tired, but this was extreme!

Then it hit me — I had run out of my daily multivitamin about the same time this fatigue had started. Even though we eat a pretty healthy diet, as a breastfeeding mom, I could have possibly become deficient in some key nutrients. Right away I bought another bottle of vitamins (I LOVE the way these Vitafusion gummy vitamins taste!) and incorporated them back into my routine — the change was immediate!

These simple pick-me-ups will help boost your energy, naturally!


As soon as you get out of bed, stand up straight and raise your arms overhead. Lean to one side, then lean to the other. Bend over and touch your toes and roll your way back to standing. It’s amazing how a few simple moves will send energy to every part of your body!

Anytime you sense your energy starting to lag, stand up and do a little stretch. Try this easy, ten-minute yoga routine — it’s perfect to do alone or with the kids if you’re like me and always have a “shadow” or two 🙂

Grab a bite

Going too long without eating can seriously bring you down. In addition to tiredness, hunger can cause headaches, dizziness, and can actually slow down your metabolism (so you burn fewer calories!)

Keep some easy snacks on hand for a quick pick-me-up: almonds or cashews (my favorite!), yogurt, protein shakes, fruit, sliced veggies, hummus. Eating a little something every couple hours will prevent blood sugar (and energy) dips throughout the day.

Drink water. All. Day. Long.

I always have a glass of water at hand — I even keep one on my bedside table for a quick sip when I wake up at night. As I tell my seven year old, Lilu: “Imagine you’re the Tin Man and water is like your oil. If you don’t drink enough, you’ll rust up and get stuck!” Ok, so maybe it doesn’t work exactly like that, but it’s close to the truth!

Our bodies are more than 60% water — dehydration can make you feel really terrible (and can be dangerous), so drink up! I carry this travel tumbler when I’m out and about so I don’t have to buy water bottles.

When you’re a mom, there are no “days off,” so you have to take care of yourself to be the best you can for yourself and your family. These simple, natural energy boosters are what keeps me going! What are your tricks beating tiredness?

Be sure to check out these other tips for a healthy mind and body!

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Stacey aka the Soccer Mom
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