5-Minute Glute Toning Workout

I’m teaming up with Kroger to share this 5-minute Glute Toning Workout for busy moms.

In college, I hit the gym every single day. As a mom, it’s much harder to find the time to exercise consistently. That’s why I love this 5-minute Glute Toning Workout — it’s quick, effective, and you can do it anywhere.

Keep reading to learn the 3 moves for this awesomely effective glute toning workout, plus the one thing that could be sabotaging your exercise efforts!

You won't believe the results you can achieve in just 5 minutes a day! This 5-minute Glute Toning Workout is quick, effective, and you can do it anywhere.

5-Minute Glute Toning Workout

Complete each set below once per workout. For extra toning, go through the sets a second time!

Set 1 – Leg Lifts

Start by standing firmly on your left leg. Use a wall or chair for support. Keeping right leg straight, lift behind you until you feel tension in your glute. This is your starting point.

From this starting point, lift leg a couple inches higher, until your glute is tight. Release to your starting point (leg still raised). Repeat 10 times.

You won't believe the results you can achieve in just 5 minutes a day! This 5-minute Glute Toning Workout is quick, effective, and you can do it anywhere.

After the tenth repetition, hold your leg at the high point. Slowly lift leg as much more as you can. This will be a very subtle movement, as your glute is already tightened. Pulse 5 times, without lowering to your starting point between repetitions. After the fifth repetition, hold at the point of tension for 5 seconds.

Release and repeat this set with your left leg.

Set 2 – Bent Leg Lifts

Start standing firmly on your left leg. Use a wall or chair for support. Bend your right leg behind you until your shin is parallel with the floor. Next, lift your leg to the side until it is at a 45° angle.

You won't believe the results you can achieve in just 5 minutes a day! This 5-minute Glute Toning Workout is quick, effective, and you can do it anywhere.

Maintaining this leg position, lift your leg behind you until you feel tension in your glute. Release to starting position (leg bent and at 45° angle). Repeat this ten times.

After the tenth repetition, hold at the point of tension and slowly pulse five times. After the fifth pulse, hold at the point of maximum tension for five seconds.

Release and repeat with the left leg.

Set 3 – Wall Sit

Stand with your back against a wall. Slowly slide down to a sitting position, walking legs out until your thighs are parallel with the floor. (If this puts pressure on your knees, raise back up until your legs are at a 45° angle).

You won't believe the results you can achieve in just 5 minutes a day! This 5-minute Glute Toning Workout is quick, effective, and you can do it anywhere.

Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Tip: If 30 seconds is too much the first time, start at 10 seconds and work your way up each time you complete this exercise.

Check out the full video demo:

Related: Check out my full list of the best 5 minute exercises anyone can do anywhere!

The one thing that could be sabotaging your exercise efforts

When you workout, your body loses both hydration and vital electrolytes through sweat. Symptoms of dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalance include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and even worse. (Source)

It’s easy to see how dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can keep you from wanting to exercise! That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated before, during, and after any workout (and throughout the day).

I love to keep Simple Truth Vapor Distilled Water on hand because it is enriched with electrolytes AND costs about 75% LESS than most brands. Aside from electrolytes, nothing else is added — NO calories, sodium, sugar, or carbs! The distillation process removes all impurities.

Simple Truth Vapor Distilled Water

Simple Truth Vapor Distilled Water is available in 24-pack or 1 liter bottles. The 1 liter bottles come in four refreshing flavors: Blueberry Blackberry, Lemon, Mandarin Orange, and Tropical Mango. The bottles are made from 100% recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which makes me so happy because I’m all about trying to reduce our environmental impact.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Simple Truth and how they make natural and organic products affordable!

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Kroger. The opinions and text are all mine.

Stacey aka the Soccer Mom
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