40 Positive Things To Do While Social Distancing
In this post you’ll find a list of 40 ideas for fun things to do at home, by yourself or with your family, with no special supplies needed. Whether you’re practicing social distancing or simply looking for fun things to do indoors, I hope this list will inspire you to try something new and make positive changes in your life!
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We May Be Stuck at Home, But We Don’t Have to be Stuck in Life
This is a weird time.
We’re all stuck at home. Waiting.
Waiting for things to get worse…or better…and not knowing exactly what is going to happen and when.
And I’m going to be completely honest here…
Despite all the craziness and scary stuff happening in the world, a part of me feels relief to be home.
Nowhere to go.
No appointments.
No school drop-offs.
No after school activities to rush to and from.
Because before all of this went down, I remember feeling exhausted with the go-go-go lifestyle. I remember telling my husband that some days I just. wanted. to. stay. home.
But there was always something we had to do.
Isn’t it funny how all those things that seemed so important before are becoming less and less so?
Before any of us even heard of the words “community spread” or “social distancing,” we as a society were BUSY.
And now we are forced to slow down. Which is something we desperately needed, but maybe wouldn’t have done unless we were MADE to do it.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m scared. I’m worried. I’m sad. I’m all of those things too.
But to get through this, we have to look for the silver lining. We have to find the good things in our lives and do more of those things.
And there IS still an abundance of goodness in life, even during this time of social distancing, fear, and uncertainty.
But you have to LOOK for the good. And that starts at home, with us.
What is Social Distancing?
Before a couple weeks ago, I’d never heard the term social distancing. Hopefully in a few months form now, it won’t be something we need to do or talk about anymore.
Basically, social distancing means staying home and away from social situations. In this case it is to prevent the spread of illness.
I’ve seen a lot of anger and frustration on social media at the closing of restaurants, bars, movie theaters, malls, etc. As someone who worked for years as a bartender…I get it. Staying home means you’re not working and not making money. I understand the anger is coming from a place of fear.
Even as someone who works from home already, nothing is certain. Advertisers spend less when the market is weak. We are affected too.
Despite all that, I truly believe that this time that we are home can be a gift.
Whether it is because we have extra time to spend with our family and kids or because we have extra time to do things that we previously kept putting off until “later.”
We have been given the gift of time.
How will you choose to use that gift?
40 Activities to do at Home While Social Distancing
Here are some of the things on my to-do list:
- Read a book — 8 Books for Moms in All Stages of Mommyhood
- Call a friend
- Exercise more
- Reconnect with your spouse
- Host a virtual wine night with friends on Zoom
- Learn a language — Click here to purchase Rosetta Stone on Amazon or check out this post with ideas to study a new language for free.
- Eat family dinner together every night — Need a boost with your meal planning? Check out my Ultimate Meal Planner Bundle and make meal planning easy!
- Journal
- Spring clean — 10 Household Items You’re Not Cleaning Often Enough
- Declutter the house — Click here for our 4 week decluttering challenge with free printable calendar!
- Plant a garden — Click here for a guide to 15 plants you can regrow from kitchen scraps
- Cook dinner every night — Home cooked meals are often healthier (because you know what’s in them) and cheaper than restaurants or fast food!
- Fix things around the house that are broken
- Spend one-on-one time with each of your kids — Some of our favorite activities are making slime and kid-friendly yoga.
- Work on your budget
- Start a side hustle — Check out my guide How to Start a Mom Blog
- Movie night
- Family game night
- Write letters to friends and family
- Read the Bible
- Arts and crafts with the kids
- Give yourself a pedicure
- Take a bath — an actual bath where you take time to relax and enjoy it!
- Skype with family
- Sing karaoke
- Do a puzzle
- Make a family scrapbook
- Dress up for dinner
- Have a dance party
- Learn a new skill — Try a Masterclass or search for free YouTube tutorials!
- Get caught up on laundry finally
- Write a book
- Binge watch a new TV series
- Paint something
- Rearrange a room in your home
- Build a blanket fort with the kids
- Go for a walk — 10 Reasons Walking is the Perfect Exercise
- Celebrate a holiday — Click here for our list of 105 Unique Holidays for Kids!
- Work on an adult coloring book
- Baking — this is our favorite cookie recipe!
Stop Waiting, Start Doing
Nothing is certain right now.
My heart aches for those who have been personally affected already.
I worry for those in my community who have seen their places of employment shuttered, for how long no one knows.
My friends in the healthcare industry are always in my prayers. I can’t imagine what they feel knowing that they may be away from their families for a long time, or the things that they are going to see.
If we all do our part in staying home, staying positive, and being kind to others, we WILL get through this.
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