Using Micro Goals to Make Big Changes
Inside: Setting micro goals is a simple, effective way to tackle larger goals and make positive changes. I was asked by Carusele to participate in the #WalgreensQuitForGood campaign, sponsored by Walgreens. Although I have been compensated, all opinions are my own. For 18+
The thought of achieving a big goal can often feel a bit daunting, which is why setting smaller “micro” goals is helpful for long-term success.
Whether you’re trying to get more organized in the new year, walk more, or quit smoking, this strategy is helpful for making big changes, without feeling overwhelmed.
What is a micro goal?
Think of micro goals like your “to-do” list. While a new year’s resolution is typically more of a macro goal (something that will take a long time to complete), a micro goal is a smaller actionable step that can be done right now.
Micro goals focus on what can be done in the immediate to get one step closer to a larger goal.
For example, let’s say you want to read more this year, so you set a goal to read 25 books in a year. However, that is a pretty big number and there isn’t a plan in place to help you meet that 25 book goal.
What if instead you set a short term goal of reading 1-2 books per month. Essentially, you are splitting up that larger goal into a more manageable chunks (micro goals).
The same could go for quitting smoking! Of course, the ultimate goal is to quit for good. But taking things one day at a time is more manageable. Each day you go without smoking is a small win…and those will add up to BIG wins over time!
How to create micro-goals
This micro goals system is a simple, effective way to tackle larger goals and make positive changes.
1. Set a long-term goal
Before you can set micro goals, you’ll need to have your “big picture” idea already in mind. What do you want to accomplish? Where do you want to be in a year or even five years?
For our example, we’ll use the “big picture” goal of quitting smoking. It’s one of the most common New Year’s resolutions!
It’s not secret that ditching the habit is beneficial for health, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! That’s why it’s so important to set manageable goals, have the right tools to get the job done, and stick with it!
2. Break your goals down into daily to-dos
After setting a long-term goal, the next step is to map out short term milestones to achieve along the way.
If the big goal is to quit smoking, then micro goals might be to not smoke for a day. Once you hit that milestone, the next micro goal would be to not smoke for a week, and so on.
3. Set yourself up for success
This might be the most important part of all! Before you can start working towards your goals, you need to make sure you’re prepared and have all the tools you need to succeed.
For example, if your goal is to stop smoking, Walgreens Smoking Cessation products are a helpful tool to stock up on. Available in both gum and lozenges, Walgreens Smoking Cessation products deliver controlled, therapeutic doses of nicotine to help with physical withdrawal symptoms. They can also help reduce cravings!
4. Find support before you need it
When making big changes, it helps to connect with others who are in the same mindset. That way you can encourage each other and celebrate successes.
If quitting smoking is your goal, you can find lots of helpful resources at or by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345. The phone lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
Learn More About Walgreens Smoking Cessation Products
If your New Year’s resolution is to stop smoking, I’m here to encourage you to do so, without judgement. By simply putting that goal out into the universe, you’ve made an important first step!
Walgreens Smoking Cessation products can help with the next steps!
- Gum — Available in 2mg and 4mg doses, each piece of gum lasts up to 30 minutes, and you can chew up to 20 pieces per day. When a craving strikes, reach for a piece of gum instead! Walgreens Nicotine Gum is good for people who like to keep their mouth busy.
- Lozenges — Similar to Walgreens Nicotine Gum, Walgreens Lozenges also come in 2mg and 4mg strengths. Those with conditions such as TMJ may find lozenges preferable to gum.
With two different deals available in January and February, this is a great time to stock up on Walgreens Smoking Cessation products!
- On your 4th Nicotine Mini Lozenge or Coated Nicotine Gum purchase, save $10 on your next purchase of one Nicotine Mini Lozenge or Coated Nicotine Gum; through 2/28 – must be a MyWalgreens member.
- Buy One, Get One 50% Off; through 2/27/21
Especially with these offers, Walgreens Smoking Cessation products are a way to save more money, while still getting the same active ingredients you’d find in Nicorette and NicoDerm. Plus, Walgreens Smoking Cessation products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Remember, for the best chance at success you’ve got to truly be motivated and willing to put in the work. You also need to use enough of the products, use them long enough, and utilize a support program as directed in the enclosed product user guide.
Click here to learn more about Walgreens Smoking Cessation Products.
Start small, go big!
At this very moment, think to yourself: what can I do TODAY to help reach my goal.
What tiny action, simple task, will help you cross something from your to-do list?
This is your first micro goal. That same action repeated over time is how you will then reach your BIG goals!
When done right, micro-goals can be an effective way to make positive changes and help you stay motivated when long-term resolutions seem overwhelming or far away.
Setting goals is just as important as what you do to reach them. Start using this micro goal system every day, and you will be surprised how within reach those big goals become!
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