4 Crazy (But True) Reasons Drinking Coffee is GOOD for You

Coffee-lovers rejoice! New research shows not only that drinking coffee is good for you, but coffee drinkers live longer on average than those who don’t drink coffee.

Coffee-lovers rejoice! New research shows not only that drinking coffee is good for you, but coffee drinkers live longer on average than those who don't drink coffee.

Is Drinking Coffee Good For You?

I enjoy my morning coffee. And my mid-morning coffee. And my afternoon coffee. I jokingly call coffee my only “guilty pleasure,” but should I really feel guilty at all?

I’ve heard rumors that coffee might actually be a good for us, so I did a little research on the health benefits of coffee — if for no other reason than to justify my consumption!

4 Crazy (But True) Reasons Coffee is Healthy

Conventional wisdom says that too much coffee is a bad thing. However, additional research and newer studies show that the opposite is true: drinking coffee is GOOD for you!

Daily coffee drinkers enjoy health benefits including lowered risk of disease and a longer lifespan. All from enjoying their favorite beverage!

1. Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

It sounds like quite the claim, but extensive research shows that people who drink coffee, on average, live longer than those who don’t.

An extensive study conducted by the National Cancer Institute found that out of 500,000 volunteer subjects, those who drank coffee were less likely to die over a 10-year period.

It doesn’t matter what type of coffee or how much, coffee drinkers live longer. How’s that for a health benefit of coffee?!

2. Drinking Coffee Lowers the Risk of Disease

Coffee drinkers live longer, one of the primary reasons being that coffee lowers your risk of seven diseases and major health-related problems.

Drinking coffee regularly may lower your risk of:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia
  • Liver Cancer

Why? The link between coffee consumption and lower risks of certain diseases isn’t 100% clear, but is likely due to the high level of antioxidants it contains.

An antioxidant is a molecule that can prevent the creation of “free radicals,” another type of molecule that damages or even kills healthy cells in the body. (Source)

Caffeine may also be a contributing factor.

3. Coffee Strengthens Your DNA

It’s normal for DNA to experience a small degree of wear and tear — usually our cells repair the damage with no problem. Excessive damage or failure for cells to make repairs is a potential risk factor for cancer.

Amazingly, studies show that drinking dark roast coffee makes your DNA stronger, and therefore more resistant to breakage. As a result, this could lower the chances of developing certain types of cancer.

4. Drinking Coffee Burns Fat

According to nutritionists:

  • Drinking coffee helps boost your metabolism and kick-start thermogenesis, heat production in your body that helps burn fat.
  • Coffee also contains Chlorogenic acid, which may slow the absorption of carbohydrates and assist the body in breaking down fat.

A 2015 study by the International Epidemiological Association confirms that “high coffee intake is associated with a low risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes.”

Coffee-lovers rejoice! New research shows not only that drinking coffee is good for you, but coffee drinkers live longer on average than those who don't drink coffee.

Is ALL Coffee Healthy?

In the National Cancer Institute study concluded that all types of coffee provides health benefits. Whether the participants drank instant coffee or dark roast was unimportant; what matters is that they drank coffee on a daily basis.

That being said, adding “extras” to your coffee like cream and sweeteners may negate the health benefits of coffee. Those additional calories and grams of sugar could lead to weight gain or increased risk of certain health conditions.

To maximize the health benefits of coffee, stick with black or bulletproof coffee. Unsweetened nut milks are also a healthier way to jazz up your cup of joe.

Our Favorite Healthy Coffee Recipes

Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

If you’re pregnant you’ll want to limit your caffeine intake, no matter the source. Most doctors will tell you a cup or two a day is just fine (I know it definitely helped me with my extreme fatigue), but check with your personal physician to be sure.

So Drink Up, To Your Health!

I’m glad I did a little research — what a surprise to see that coffee could actually have that many good qualities! It was really all the convincing I needed!

Legitimate scientific studies have proven that there are indeed health benefits of coffee drinking. So raise a glass, or mug— to your health!

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  1. Drinking coffee is good for our health but excessive drinking can cause many health problems. I drink coffee 2 times a day.

  2. Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, studies have found that coffee is good for Type 2 diabetes. Regular consumption of coffee lowers the odds of developing Type 2 diabetes which is true for decaf as well as the high octane variety.

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