Teach Your Kids to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The world seems to be an increasingly scary place — but there is one simple thing you can do to teach your kids to stay positive through it all…

THIS is what parents need to know to empower their kids to stay positive in an increasingly negative and scary world.

Positivity is a recurring theme on my blog — it’s even part of my unofficial slogan! So obviously the posts I write are focused on showing the best aspects of our lives. Putting our best face forward if you will.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret: I have bad days too.

I have moments where I get down on myself

Times where I feel picked on and misunderstood.

Days when I am scared.

How to Teach Your Kids to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Maybe it’s a disagreement with a family member (aren’t all families a bit dysfunctional at times?) Or perhaps my husband and I had an argument.

I’ve even gotten some pretty nasty comments on blog posts before. Usually I can brush them off, but on certain days the internet trolls do get past my thick skin.

Or maybe it’s the seemingly un-ending chain of disasters, terror attacks, shootings, and tragedies that are out of our control. Things that we can’t always protect our family from, things that make us feel helpless as parents.

On those days, it can be easy to give in to the pity party. Throw your hands in the air and say, why bother?

Well, I’m going to tell you my “why.”

This is what keeps me going. This is what helps me stay positive in a negative world.

My girls need me to be positive.

They need me at my best, and I am not at my best when I am feeling low.

And if you have kids, they need you to be positive too.

Kids these days live in a tough world,

and it can be hard for kids to stay positive on their own.

Underneath the modern comforts and awe-inspiring technology, today’s children are dealing with issues that we didn’t have growing up:


“Reality” TV as a life goal

Confusing “role models” that glamorize things like sex tapes (and make millions doing so)

Drugs that many of us parents didn’t know existed

School shootings


But we can build up our kids – we can help prepare them and steel them for what happens around them.

We can’t control the outside world, but we can provide a haven of safety and positivity at home.

I’m not saying that you have to sugar-coat bad things in life, in fact, I try to be as open and honest with my girls as possible.

However, I want to make our home a place where they can let go, be themselves, and “recharge” before they have to face the outside world.

The world seems to be an increasingly scary place — but there is one simple thing you can do to teach your kids to stay positive through it all...

Home is our safe place.

Some days that requires a “fake it til you make it” mentality. But I have to make it happen.

My girls are counting on me to stay positive so they can feel secure. So they have the example and the environment they need to grow into strong women.

Your kids are counting on you too. Teach your kids to stay positive by setting the example in yourself.

So on those days where it seems like an impossible task to stay positive, take a minute to remember your “why.”

You might find that it’s not as difficult as you thought.

Recommended reading:

Happy You, Happy Family: Find Your Personal Recipe for Happiness in the Chaos of Parenting Life by Kelly Holmes

Kelly is a friend and colleague whose work has changed the lives of countless families. Her new e-book shares the recipe to:

  • Stop feeling overwhelmed. Get a handle on the swirling chaos of to-do items and appointments and “should”s in your head.
  • Set yourself up for a happy day, every day. Find out the ingredients you need in your day in order to become your happiest self.
  • Catch yourself before you lose your cool. Learn what to do when you lose your patience with a temper-taming toolkit of proven tools to get you back on track.
  • Heal after the storm. For the days when you do lose your cool, you’ll get the exact steps to flush the bad mojo from your body and repair the relationship with your child (or your partner).

Grab your copy of the e-book for Kindle, Nook, or iBooks:

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An effective alternative to time out, "time to yourself" helps kids deal with social stress, learn positive coping behavior and self-regulation.

“Time to Yourself” A Positive Alternative to Time Out that WORKS


Stacey aka the Soccer Mom
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