Why Kids Need Their Grandpas
Inside: Grandparents are role models, support systems, family historians. Why kids need their grandpas & how to celebrate them on Father’s Day. This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of FANCHEST.
“More and more, when I single out the person who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather.” — James Earl Jones
While our parents handle the day to day task of raising us into adults, our grandparents influence us in ways that no one else can.
The Importance of Grandparents
Sure, grandparents have a reputation for spoiling their grandchildren (and it’s well-deserved!) However, they provide so many other things for families.
Grandparents are:
- Historians — Many families pass down their stories orally, and grandparents are keepers of the memories. I treasure the long talks I had with all of my grandparents, as I learned so much about where our families came from, relatives I never met, and what life was like for previous generations.
- Role Models — Our grandparents earned the title “The Greatest Generation,” and for good reason! They saved our planet from tyranny in the Great Wars and built our country into a superpower. Between all of those awe-inspiring achievements, they still found the time to raise families and teach us grandkids about life. I look up to no one as much as I do my grandparents.
- A Support System — Grandparents are the extra link on the family chain that keeps it from breaking when life tests the limits. From babysitting, to supporting our parents (their kids), to giving us grandkids all the hugs we could ever want, grandparents are always there, making sure that the family is safe and stable.
Why We Celebrate Grandpas on Father’s Day Too
On Father’s Day, we of course celebrate Daddy — but in our family we celebrate Grandpa too. Just like my own grandfathers did for me, my dad plays an important role in my daughters’ lives.
My dad and I bonded over sports growing up. Since my brother did come along for 6 years after me, I was the one that watched football with my dad. He also coached my soccer team all the way through high school.
When FANCHEST asked me if I wanted to review one of their boxes for Father’s Day, I could think of nothing more perfect for my dad.
Each FANCHEST sports gift is filled with high-quality, officially-licensed NFL, NCAA, or NHL gear from your favorite team.
It’s the ultimate gift for sports fans! In our family, you can never have too much WVU gear, so I knew it would be just the thing for my dad.
Why Kids Need Their Grandpas
In choosing the perfect gift for Grandpa, it got me thinking about my own Grandpa and Grandad — what they taught me and how much I miss them both.
My Grandpa and my Grandad were awesome.
They couldn’t have been more different, yet they are alike in that they taught me some of the most important life lessons that I’ve carried with me into adulthood.
Not to take away from my parents, who did a pretty solid job raising me, but my Grandpa and Grandad were truly special.
I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without their influence.
Kids need their grandpas to teach them in ways that only grandparents can.
Our parents are still in the middle of their life arc, so they’re often still figuring out their own path. However, our grandparents show us how to live a complete life: how to age with grace, how to transition to the next stage of our soul’s journey, how to leave a legacy.
My Grandad
My Grandad taught me about consistency and the value of hard work. He was tough, strict, and sometimes a little scary (especially as a kid), but he always had a good reason for what he did.
In fact, my Grandad’s house rules are MY house rules now too:
- No running in the house.
- No slamming doors.
- No jumping on the bed.
Just like his rules, my Grandad was a no-nonsense kind of guy. He had no qualms about “telling it like it is,” and he was usually right.
But my Grandad wasn’t all business. Along with my Granny, he showed us kids that you didn’t have to be born with a silver spoon to create the life of your dreams.
My Granny and Grandad worked hard so they could retire to a nearly 40-acre plot in the rolling hills of West Virginia (our home state) that they named Campbell Hill Farm. Many of my best childhood memories are from weekends and summers at “the farm” with my cousins.
One of my proudest moments was riding my Grandad’s 5-gaited horse better than he could — I earned his respect and I wore it like a badge of honor.
Those memories are what inspired me to seek out acreage here in Texas on which to raise my own family. I want my girls to have those same life-changing experiences exploring nature, getting their hands dirty and learning how to run a homestead.
My Grandpa
My Grandpa could be as silly as my Grandad was stern.
He taught me not to ever take life too seriously — what’s the point of living if you’re not having any fun?
From his wildly colorful collection of Christmas lights that he hung inside and outside his home during the holidays, to the head-to-toe blue and gold outfits he wore on football game days — my Grandpa was not worried about what other people thought.
My Grandpa unapologetically lived life on his terms.
Since they grew up in frosty Wisconsin, my Grandma and Grandpa decided they’d had enough cold for their lifetime. Every year they traveled to the beach for three months during the winter and lived it up.
My Grandpa also wasn’t afraid to show his artistic side. He transformed the entire basement of their home into a workshop where he built incredible masterpieces: both gigantic, life-like dollhouses and beautifully intricate sea shell resin art.
He sang loudly, listened to eclectic music, farted in public, and wore moccasins every day. Because he could.
My Grandpa showed me how to figure out what you want in life, and make it happen.
What’s Inside Our FANCHEST
At first I worried about writing something so personal in what was essentially supposed to be a review.
But then I thought — you know what, it was taking on this assignment to review a FANCHEST that inspired me in the first place.
As soon as I opened that box and saw the familiar logo inside, the bright gold peeking through the packing paper, the memories came flooding back.
Game day tailgates with my entire family. Picking up fried chicken on the way to the stadium. My Grandpa in his flashy blue and gold track pants.
It doesn’t get more authentic than that.
When my daughters and I gave the FANCHEST box to my dad, I noticed that he had a similar reaction. His face lit up at the sight our our team’s gear — I’m sure he has a lot of special game day memories too.
It’s amazing how sports can bring a family closer together, and that’s why I think this is such a meaningful gift.
Here’s a closer look at what’s inside each FANCHEST:
Of course, the contents of your box will look a little bit different depending on the team you select.
Click here to find the perfect Father’s Day Gift at Fanchest.com — Use code PERFECTGIFT for $10 off any chest.* Plus get free standard shipping in the U.S. and free 60 day returns.
*Can not stack coupon codes. Can not use reward points on top of this code. Code expires 6/16/19.
More Father’s Day Ideas:
Create the perfect handmade card to accompany the perfect gift! Click here for a collection of Father’s Day card ideas that kids can make.
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