How to Get Your Body Confidence Back After Baby #2
Inside: My body after baby #2 felt different than the first time, but I actually recovered faster! Here’s what worked for me and how you can feel more confident too! Sponsored by Yoplait®.
Regaining Your Body Confidence After Baby #2
Things may look and feel different with your body after baby #2. We’re a little bit older, and our bodies continue to evolve and change over time.
It’s easy to feel pressure to snap back into shape as quickly as you did the first time or to compare yourself to other moms.
If you do a web search for “how to get your body back after baby,” you’ll likely see some stunning results.
But are they realistic for the rest of us?
I don’t know about you, but with three kids, I’m just not able to spend hours at the gym every day.
Also, since I breastfeed, fad diets are totally out of the question. They’re not really sustainable long-term anyhow.
So don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you to give up certain foods, take any supplements or anything like that.
And I’m going to let you in on a little secret…
I don’t weigh myself!
This isn’t about the number on scale — this is about feeling confident in your body after the baby.
If you make positive choices, take care of yourself and stay consistent, you may just be back in those pre-pregnancy jeans before you know it!
Here’s what worked for me:
1. Don’t Skip Meals
When you skip meals, your metabolism actually slows down. That’s because your body switches into “survival” mode and tries to conserve its resources.
Skipping meals can also affect how well you function, causing irritability, grogginess and dizziness.
I know that when I don’t eat often enough I get “hangry,” (Hungry + angry = hangry). I don’t feel good and no one wants to be around me.
Even if you’re busy (I have three kids…I get it), it’s so important to eat regular meals throughout the day. This will keep your blood glucose levels more stable and keep your metabolism up to speed.
More importantly, you won’t get “hangry!”
I like to eat “three squares” (breakfast, lunch and dinner), however, some prefer to eat smaller, more frequent meals.
The key is to find a routine that works for you and to keep easy, wholesome options on hand that you can grab in a hurry. That way you’ll be less likely to skip meals or to make impulse decisions like hitting the drive-through.
Sliced veggies, fruit, nuts, and yogurt are all simple snacks that can fuel your body and don’t require a lot of prep.
Speaking of yogurt, Yoplait® recently teamed up with Dunkin’® to create a new line of yogurt flavors (Original and Whips!) featuring some of the signature Dunkin’ flavors. Just imagine the deliciousness of an Apple Fritter or Boston Kreme Donut, combined with the goodness of yogurt!
Each Yoplait container packs 5-6 grams of protein, they keep me feeling satisfied longer and help prevent the infamous midday “crash.”
Did I mention they taste heavenly??
Look for Yoplait’s new Dunkin’ flavors in grocery stores beginning this month! Visit for details and locations.
2. Drink Lots of Water
We all recognize a rumbling tummy as a sign that our body needs to eat. However, more subtle signs of hunger, like headache and lightheadedness, are similar symptoms of thirst.
Because of this, studies show that we often eat when our bodies are actually telling us to drink!
Keeping a bottle of water on hand throughout the day will help ensure that you’re staying hydrated. If you’re getting plenty to drink, when hunger pangs hit, you’ll know they’re the real deal.
TIP: If you want to switch things up from plain water, try one of these 3 fruit infused water recipes!
3. Allow Yourself to Recover
As moms, we often feel so much pressure to get our pre-baby body back as soon as possible.
However, if you rush into an intense fitness routine too soon, you could risk injury. And that would totally derail your efforts!
Remember, you just accomplished the incredible feat of bringing a new human into the world — you deserve a little time to recuperate!
Plus, if you had a cesarean birth (like I did), strenuous exercise is out of the question for at least 6-8 weeks.
Always listen to your doctor and your body.
4. Walk Every Chance You Get
Walking is an exercise that you can start almost right away after giving birth. It will kick-start your metabolism and is safe in most cases.
After both of my c-sections, my doctors insisted that I get up and walk as soon as possible. It’s definitely a little scary the first time you walk around after surgery, but it helps your body recover faster.
What I also love about walking is that you can squeeze it in throughout the day, and it all adds up!
5. Use Compression
I was originally skeptical of so-called “belly bands,” so I didn’t use them after my first baby.
However, after my second birth I decided to give them a try.
I really liked how a soft compression wrap kept everything in place and offered support and protection to my core after cesarean number two.
After my 6-week check-up, my midwife said it was time to stop wearing the band so my muscles would strengthen faster. But even in those few short weeks, I noticed a substantial difference!
You can read more about my experience with postpartum belly bands here.
6. Yoga, Yoga, Yoga
One of the biggest differences between my recovery after baby number one and baby number two was my yoga practice.
I’m convinced that my hour-long yoga sessions (2-3 times a week) were the reason I recovered faster the second time around.
As soon as I was cleared to exercise by my midwife, I was back on my yoga mat.
Yoga helps improve flexibility and strengthen every part of your body, especially your core, which is weakened by pregnancy.
If finding time to exercise with kids is a challenge, try involving them in your yoga practice! My girls love to join me in our extra room and practice their own moves.
Click here for an easy 10-minute yoga routine for beginners that you can try with your kids!
7. Don’t Deprive Yourself
During the last two weeks of my pregnancy, I craved chocolate cake and donuts — BIG time!
I think we made a trip to the bakery every single day!
Now that I’m trying to get back in shape, I’ve been visiting the bakery less often. However, life without good food is not my idea of living, so I choose not to deprive myself of the occasional sweet treat.
Trying to be perfect 100% of the time is a surefire way to set yourself up for disappointment — no one is perfect after all. In fact, psychologists explain that “all or nothing” thinking is one of the main reasons people don’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions, fitness goals, etc.
You’ve probably heard it a million times, but moderation does work. Rather than try to exclude certain foods all together, focus on finding better-for-you options and eating realistic portions.
For example, I’ll grab one of Yoplait’s new Dunkin’ flavors to satisfy my sweet tooth.
These new limited edition varieties include These new limited-edition varieties include Boston Kreme Donut, Apple Fritter, French Vanilla Latte and Cinnamon Coffee Roll.
Not only is yogurt a healthier option but these taste amazing! Can your cinnamon roll do that?
Look for Yoplait’s new Dunkin’ flavors in grocery stores beginning this month! Visit to see all the flavors and find them in stores near you!
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