How to Stop Temper Tantrums in 5 Seconds

What’s inside: A simple, 3-step approach to that will stop temper tantrums in seconds – before things get out of control. Call it positive parenting, call it a parenting hack, call it what you like…this WORKS!

A simple, 3-step approach to that will stop a temper tantrum before things get out of control. Call it positive parenting, call it a parenting hack, call it what you like...this WORKS!

“What the heck did I get myself into?!”

When you’re dealing with a child who is in the middle of a hysterical temper tantrum or meltdown, it feels like you’re failing at parenting. You might even start to question your life decisions. (Ok, not entirely…BUT it can be extremely emotionally draining!)

The key to stop temper tantrums is to neutralize the situation before it can escalate to a full-blown, laying on the floor, screaming, won’t listen to reason, snotty-nosed temper tantrum.

The good news: it’s easier than you might think, and both you and your child come out winners.

Even the Royals Deal with Temper Tantrums

I remember seeing a headline a while back that touted “Kate Middleton’s Hack for Dealing with Temper Tantrums.”

The premise was that the Duchess had a genius trick for getting her kids to stop a tantrum, and was not afraid to look “normal” in doing so.

When I took a closer look at the article, I realized that this is exactly what I do to get my kids to stop throwing a tantrum too!

That’s because it’s something ANYONE can do…and it works…FAST!

How to Stop a Temper Tantrum in 5 Seconds

Yep, seconds! This method to stop a temper tantrum is simple, effective, and fast.

Often as parents we tend to overcomplicate things. We think that we need some special technique or trick to keep our kids on their best behavior.

We make parenting harder on ourselves than it needs to be.

I’ll keep it real with you.

My girls do get upset. They cry. They act defiant sometimes. However, I manage to nip most of their fussing in the bud before it ever gets to 5-alarm temper tantrum status.

These three simple steps give me control of the situation, while allowing my girls to feel like they’ve been heard.

To be quite honest, these tips would be very useful in dealing with any adults in your life that act difficult too!

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Here’s how it works…

3 Simple Steps to Stop Temper Tantrums on the Spot

Do these in order and you’ll often be able to diffuse a situation within seconds, or a couple minutes.

1. Get Down on Their Level

This is what the article I read marveled over…that the Duke and Duchess would both crouch down and speak to their kids at eye level.

But it makes sense! (And it’s something I’ve always done!)

It’s easy for a child to tune you out if you’re talking two feet above their head. Not so much if you’re right in front of them!

Anytime I want to make sure that my girls are listening to me, I squat down so that we are face to face.

Another benefit to “getting on their level” is that it helps a child feel seen and heard. At this point it’s not about being “right,” it’s about getting their attention and getting them to work with you.

Related: Effective Communication, as Taught by a 2 Year Old

Want to stop a meltdown in its tracks? Get down on THEIR level

2. Make Eye Contact

Once you’re face to face with your child, look them dead in the eye. It’s likely to catch them off guard, distracting them enough to cause a break in the tantrum. That break is just what you need to begin to talk them down.

Eye contact is a sign of respect (even if children don’t consciously know this, they feel it!) and they’re more likely to listen.

3. Get Serious

When have my child’s attention, I let them know I mean business by using my “serious” voice.

I don’t mean yelling, or even raising my voice — quite the opposite! I actually lower my voice, talking slow, steady, and firmly.

I learned and practiced this working with horses. When a horse acts out, you must remain calm to de-escalate the situation. If you become upset or yell, it will only cause them to become upset too!

How Do I Know it Works? It Worked on Me!

For one, I use this trick allll the time with my kids. Ok…not all the time. They are total angels because I am an amazing mom and they never have tantrums..


Of course they have tantrums occasionally! But we can usually nip it in the bud with this 3-step trick.

Also, it worked on ME when I was a kid!

Growing up, the one person that I NEVER wanted to disobey was my Grandad.

He wasn’t loud and he didn’t get excited. All it took was a stern look and his “serious” voice to get all of us cousins sitting quietly within seconds!

When trying to stop temper tantrums, less is definitely more!

So there you have it! Now you can have something in common with the future Queen of England…being a master of temper tantrums!

You’re welcome 😉

Recommended reading (for mom AND kids!)

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FOR MOM: Happy You, Happy Family: Find Your Personal Recipe for Happiness in the Chaos of Parenting Life by Kelly Holmes

Kelly is a friend and colleague whose work has changed the lives of countless families. Her new e-book shares the recipe to:

  • Stop feeling overwhelmed. Get a handle on the swirling chaos of to-do items and appointments and “should”s in your head.
  • Set yourself up for a happy day, every day. Find out the ingredients you need in your day in order to become your happiest self.
  • Catch yourself before you lose your cool. Learn what to do when you lose your patience with a temper-taming toolkit of proven tools to get you back on track.
  • Heal after the storm. For the days when you do lose your cool, you’ll get the exact steps to flush the bad mojo from your body and repair the relationship with your child (or your partner).

Grab your copy of the e-book for Kindle, Nook, or iBooks:


FOR KIDS: I Was So Mad by Mercer Meyer 

Help your children better understand emotions like anger and develop positive ways for dealing with their feelings — stories can make it easier for children to relate. We love this classic from the Little Critter series!

Be sure to follow my Positive Parenting Tips board on Pinterest for more ideas from some of the best family bloggers: Follow Stacey @ The Soccer Mom Blog’s board Positive Parenting Tips on Pinterest.

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Want to stop a meltdown in its tracks? Get down on THEIR level

Stacey aka the Soccer Mom
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