Study: Dads that Change Diapers have Happier Wives

Inside: A new study shows that diaper changing dads are one of the top things that women say makes them happiest in a marriage. This post is sponsored by Pampers.

Listen up dads — the secret to a happy wife isn’t about fancy gifts or vacations.

Nope, think closer to home!

Guys, if you want to know the way straight to a woman’s heart, take on diaper duty!

A new study shows that diaper changing dads are one of the top things that women say makes them happiest in a marriage. 

What Women Really Want: Dads Changing Diapers

A recent study by researchers at the University of Missouri, Columbia asked female participants to name the tasks that their husbands did that made them happiest.

Number one on the list: sharing parenting duties.1

Changing diapers, giving baths, getting the kids dressed and ready for the day — women truly want their partners to be involved every step of the way.

Second on the list was helping out with household chores, so if you really want to make your wife happy take out the trash while you’re at it!

The experts have spoken — am I right ladies? *Wink, wink*

dad tossing laughing baby in the air

Why Dads Don’t Want to Change Diapers – or DO they?

All jokes aside, I do want to take a moment and acknowledge the dads that do all of the above — because the majority of dads already do pitch in with the “dirty” work. In a survey by The Today Show, 54% of dads said they help change diapers, compared to 37% in the previous generation.2

However, that means that nearly half of dads don’t change diapers! So what gives?

Surprisingly, it’s not because men don’t care or don’t want to participate. In fact, it’s just the opposite!

According to a recent Pampers study, 90% of dads consider themselves to be hands-on parents. The problem is a lack of confidence — in the same study, more than half of the dads surveyed said they feel like “society places less value on dads’ parenting role.”

This, along with the stereotype that child-rearing is “women’s work,” plays a part in keeping dads on the sidelines.

dad and baby daughter playing in the grass

Love the Change — AND the Dads that Change Diapers

Ladies, we want our guys to support us with parenting and household duties, but they need our support too (even if they would never say so!)

I’ll admit, I’ve read articles in the past that praised dads for changing diapers and helping with parenting duties, and I scoffed at them. My thinking was, why should dads get all this extra attention for doing what they already should do as a parent?

After a bit of reflection, I realized I was looking at things all wrong. Parenting isn’t a competition — it’s a team sport. We moms expect our husbands to appreciate us for everything we do, like just being all-around amazing. So why shouldn’t we appreciate our husbands too?

My husband has always been super involved and to be totally honest, he’s probably changed more diapers than me! When I was stuck in bed recovering from each c-section, my husband tirelessly took care of just about everything kid and home related until I was back on my feet.

I’m always grateful but I probably don’t express it enough. So this post is dedicated to my husband for being the best father I could have every wanted for my girls!

smiling baby girl holding pack of Pampers

Speaking of Diapers…

While we’re on the topic of diaper duty, I want to take a minute to thank our sponsor Pampers. Yep, this is a sponsored post — but here’s the honest truth — we’ve used Pampers for all of our girls, even before I knew blogging was a thing!

When you’re a new parent, it’s natural to try out different types of diapers — but you quickly learn which ones work…and which ones don’t.

Because let me tell ya, when you’re dealing with a 10-wipey blow-out at a packed dim-sum restaurant that’s an hour away from home, you NEED a diaper that works. Ask me how I know…

Aside from being supremely effective, Pampers’ Heart Quilts liner is 2x softer against baby’s delicate skin versus the every-day-of-the-year brand. They’re soft just like baby’s favorite blankie!

I also love the handy wetness indicator (the blue line) on every Pampers diaper because it not only lets you know that a diaper is wet, but it also shows how wet the diaper is.

Pampers is also the #1 Choice of Hospitals, Nurses & Parents* — in fact it’s what both our hospitals used!

*hospitals: based on hospital sales data; nurses: vs. other hospital brands, among those with a preference; parents: based on retail sales

Another awesome thing about Pampers is their initiative to bring more safe, clean baby changing tables to men’s restrooms. Over the next two years, Pampers and Koala Kare plan to install 5000 new changing tables in high need public locations such as parks and community centers.

My husband takes the girls on errands often, and there have been more than a few occasions where he’s struggled to find a clean place to do diaper changes. I know he’ll be excited to hear this news!

Click here to learn more about Pampers products as well as more tips for parents!

Your Turn: Who does diaper duty in your house? I’d love to hear more about it in the comments below!

Additional Sources

  1. “The Secret to a Happy Marriage Appears to be Housework.” Today, 14 June 2013,
  2. Solé, Elise. “The Benefits for Dads Who Change Diapers.” Yahoo Parenting, 4 June 2015,

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